Tuesday 6 April 2010

Aches and Pains

Today's training involved 30 minutes on the spin bike, followed by 30 minutes of running, with about 15 minutes of the run done at a 15% gradient. The bike was fine: 355 watts maintained over the session as a a good base-line warm-up, burning about 600 calories. The run was more of a mixed bag. In terms of my running fitness and psychology I feel I am improving. I pushed the speed up to 5.5 mph while on the 15% incline today, and kept my heartrate stable at around 186 for ten minutes while doing it. I feel pretty comfortable going up to 9 mph on the flat. I had a real ache in my left calf though, especially on the climb, and while I ran through it and it seemed to ease, the muscle is now pretty tight and stiff. It might be that my plyometrics session over the weekend is still taking its toll, but it's a reminder that I have to be patient in building my running fitness up again.

Suddenly feel quite old ...

Still, overall it was a good session. I burned about 1100 calories all told and felt quite comfortable in terms of energy levels throughout. I'm trying to reorient my eating patterns slightly, eating a big breakfast and then a lighter lunch and evening meal. I'll see whether it works and whether I can sustain it (usually I devour huge amounts of food in the evening, recovering from the training sessions), but on today's showing it seems promising. This article was part of the prompt to change things round.

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